Democrats are making every effort to politicize the coronavirus outbreak and lay blame at the feet of President Donald Trump, which begs the question of whether the pandemic could undermine the MAGA movement as it wreaks havoc on the US economy, as Dems aim to prevent Trump’s reelection.
As everything in America is getting canceled, Democrats are salivating in hopes of canceling President Trump’s support and the November election.
The prevailing impression Democrats, aided by the mainstream media, are trying to convey to the American public is that the White House is incompetent and incapable of handling the coronavirus outbreak, not only hammering President Trump but also the man he put in charge of leading the response team, Vice President Mike Pence.
“The Wall” for Democrats isn’t the one being built on the southern border, it’s the skyscraper American economy that has been built courtesy of President Donald Trump.
Democrats are well aware that the historically strong American economy is an insurmountable obstacle for them in trying to defeat President Donald Trump in November.
Democrats are not only shouting from the rooftop that the economy is going to collapse, but they also seem to be rooting for it.
Perversely, some Democrats are actually happy the American economy is taking a hit under the coronavirus outbreak, as they see the crumbling of our juggernaut economy as a fortuitous event that will take down Trump along with it.
How immoral do you have to be to hate Trump so much that you want to see all Americans suffer economic misery simply to remove him from office?
But this is the obsession that Democrats have been under since the day Donald Trump was elected, as hoax after hoax and attempt after attempt to remove him have failed thus far.
The reprobate Democratic mindset even wishes to see Trump fail at managing the coronavirus outbreak in America, as a way of ensuring he will lose the November election. How depraved is it to want to see tens of thousands of Americans suffer, and possibly die – all out of desperation to get Trump out of office at any cost – even American lives?
Democrats, including those who have run for the presidential nomination in 2020, have called Trump “dangerous.” Yet, Democrats fail to recognize the same in their own thinking.
They are operating under a warlike mindset that seems willing to accept collateral damage, as long as the objective is reached. Democrats certainly didn’t care about the harm done to the nation with the fabricated mockery that was the impeachment trial.
Echoing moves that were made during World War II, Democrats are likening the coronavirus pandemic to the previous wartime situation when America nationalized key industries to universalize the effort.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently spoke out on the issue during an interview with MSNBC, saying drastic measures are needed under the current situation.
“This is a case for a nationalization, literally a nationalization, of crucial factories and industries that could produce the medical supplies to prepare this country for what we need,” de Blasio said during the interview on Saturday.
De Blasio described the pandemic as a “war-like situation ” and said we need for “24/7 shifts.” The mayor said he believes this pandemic will continue to be a problem “for at least six months.”
On Sunday, in an interview with CNN, de Blasio reiterated this message, same that “the federal government needs to take over the supply chain right now.”
Specifically, de Blasio said the federal government needs to take over control of companies that make ventilators, surgical masks, and hand sanitizers, and force these companies to work around the clock.