Personal Finance

Shocking Facts About Your Credit Score: You Don’t Own It, Who’s Using It
Here are some shocking facts about your credit score: You don’t own it, the data is often wrong (especially since the pandemic), and it’s being used in more places for more reasons than ever before. Most of us assume that our credit score belongs to us, but that assumption is …

Why Paying for Your Kid’s College is a Bad Move
Some financial experts say paying for your kid’s college is a bad move and can wipe out your chance for retirement which will only fall back on your children, and they have some tips to help with college without debt. Funding your kid’s college is noble, but a bad move, …

Personal Finances: Recession More Likely Than Not This Year. What to Do.
Experts are now saying that it is more likely than not that the US will fall into a mild recession by the end of 2022. How will this affect your personal finances? What you can do to prepare. Recession likely: What the experts are saying A variety of finance experts, …
Shocking Facts About Your Credit Score: You Don’t Own It, Who’s Using It
Here are some shocking facts about your credit score: You don’t own it, the data is often wrong (especially since the pandemic), and it’s being used in more places for more reasons than ever before. Most of us assume that our credit score belongs to us, but that assumption is …
Retirement and Investing

Collectibles as Investments Shoes, Comic Books, Guitars and More
The collectible shoe market now has a value of $10 billion, while a rare Superman comic just sold for $2.6 million, some of these alternative investments are outperforming 52% of stocks in value. Collectibles as investments As a simple definition, collectibles are any items that are worth far more than …

Inflation-Busting Ideas for Investing $5000 to $10,000
Got between $5000 and $10,000 to invest? Here are two ideas for investing your $5000 to $10,000 to get the most bang for your buck during this bear market. 1. Invest in Series I Savings Bonds Series I savings bonds are relatively unknown and are being called “inflation proof” because …

Got $1000 to Invest? Where to Get Started and Top 5 Stocks to Consider
It’s officially a bear market, and high inflation and recession fears bring opportunities as stock prices drop, allowing investors an opportunity to purchase high-quality stocks at lower prices. A tip for new investors with $1000 to spend If you’re new to investing, building your own stock portfolio may not be …
Business Resources

Smart Security Technology is a Smart Investment for Your Business
Security is critical to any business no matter its size, and smart security technologies are improving and becoming more affordable all the time. Smart security is a smart investment as it lowers your operational expenses. What are smart security technologies? Smart security systems use digital, software-based operating systems to manage …

7 Reasons Why Franchises Beat Startups
Starting a business doesn’t mean you have to or should launch a startup from scratch. Some of the biggest chains are run by independent owners. Here are seven reasons a franchise is a smart choice. 1. You Still Get to Be Your Own Boss Many well-known franchises such as KFC, …

Guide for Managing Business Resources
Here is a guide to understanding all the types of resources a business or organization may possess, the key areas of focus that need oversight, and strategies for managing each. Types of resources a business may have The types of resources a business has will naturally vary depending on the …