Personal Finance

Frugal Living Doesn’t Always Save More Money

Frugal Living Doesn’t Always Save More Money

Saving money works best when it’s part of an ongoing plan or lifestyle. Frugality encompasses a wide variety of spending and saving habits, but it mostly boils down to avoiding spending money when you can. This can involve everything from hunting for sales to switching to a strict financial budget. …

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Personal Finance: Saving With the Cash Diet

Personal Finance: Saving With the Cash Diet

Everyone knows that sinking feeling that you get when you see your monthly credit card statement. You went out with your friends a few too many times, charged way too much on your card without really thinking about it, and now you’re in the hole going into next month. If …

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Don’t Just Save: Save For a Goal

Don’t Just Save: Save For a Goal

When it comes to saving money, it’s often not remotely helpful for you to just save for the sake of saving. After all, making money and then spending that money on your favorite stuff is extremely fun and hits all of your brain’s reward centers. So, why would you choose …

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Credit Score Basics: Why it Matters

Credit Score Basics: Why it Matters

If you’re a younger person just coming into your own financially, or just someone who hasn’t needed to borrow much money, credit scores may seem like a mystery. However, there’s a lot you need to know about credit scores if you ever plan to take out any loans or spend …

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Can You Budget Your Way to Prosperity?

Can You Budget Your Way to Prosperity?

Some people feel like they can never get ahead in life. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet, you’re not alone. The majority of working-class people in the United States say that even a single missed paycheck would bring them to the brink of financial …

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