If you’re a business owner looking to keep your staff through even tough times, you need to know a few things about what makes people leave a business behind. Often, when you’re spending all of your time running your business, you might not notice what’s going on at the ground level. That’s why we’re here to warn you about the practices that your employees are most likely to quit over.
When someone leaves the company, do you promote one of your workers to their role to take over their responsibilities? Or do you just heap those responsibilities onto someone else, in addition to their current workload? Your employees notice this pattern, and it can cause burnout faster than most employers seem to think. Doing the work of two people for the pay of one person is hardly rewarding.
When someone leaves the company, make sure their salary isn’t just getting pocketed by the company. Promote someone to their role and pay them accordingly, or spread their responsibilities around the remaining workers, along with a pay bump to accompany their new tasks.
Your workers seem dejected, burnt out, and stressed. You hear grumbling from some of the employees that they want to move on to new jobs and make more money somewhere else. What do you do? Ideally, you start talking about raises. However, some employers see this as an opportunity to bust out the party hats and throw a pizza party in the break room one Friday afternoon.
While everyone loves a pizza party, throwing these kinds of little appreciation events instead of just giving people raises is a bit tone-deaf, and your employees will resent the suggestion that a couple of slices of pizza should help them cover their bills.
You might see a theme developing. There’s hardly a labor shortage; plenty of people are looking for work even as you’re reading this. From the worker’s standpoint, the issue is a wage shortage. In spite of the rising cost of living, few jobs have kept up with paying their employees fair market rates.
If you want to keep your best people, those people need to see opportunities for advancement in their position. Whether that’s in the form of annual raises, bonuses, new job titles that come with new responsibilities and better pay–the details aren’t important. What is important is that your employees see that you care about them enough to pay them what they’re worth.