Following his recent diagnosis of COVID-19, President Donald Trump’s health has been national news. Many outlets have been waiting on pins and needles for the president’s health to make a sudden nosedive.
Much to their frustration, however, the president continues to feel healthy and well. In fact, on Wednesday, Trump told his doctor at the White House that he, in fact, “feels great”.
Dr. Sean Conley, Trump’s White House physician, painted a rosy outlook for his patient on Wednesday. “The President this morning says ‘I feel great!’” Conley wrote in a memo.
He also noted that the president’s vitals, like his oxygen levels and heart rate, are all encouraging. For many Americans, the knowledge that their president is handling a disease well is encouraging.
Trump’s health remains no surprise amidst the top-tier care he is receiving. While COVID-19 is a dangerous and deadly disease for someone his age, the president is receiving the best possible medical attention.
He has been prescribed a steroid regiment, as well as Remdesivir, an anti-viral drug made to combat COVID. This combination of drugs has likely helped the president immensely.
Conley went on to note that the president “now been fever-free for more than 4 days, symptom-free for over 24 hours, and has not needed nor received any supplemental oxygen since initial hospitalization.”
Trump also received cloned antibodies to help him fight off the infection. That experimental treatment has been widely discussed as a way to treat extreme COVID cases. Some have suggested that Trump’s condition may have initially been more dire than reported, given the intensity of the medication he was prescribed at Walter Reed.
The election is less than a month away, and Trump’s COVID diagnosis certainly unsettled top GOP strategists. After all, the last thing a party needs weeks out from a hotly-contested election is their candidate going down with a serious illness. While Trump is seemingly in good health now, the disease could easily take a turn in the 74-year-old president.
As such, the lead-up to November has become even more important. The vice presidential debate looms, where Mike Pence will face Kamala Harris on the debate stage.
In this way, Pence will need to carry the weight of the Trump Campaign and remind voters of what it is Trump stands for. While the president recovers, it’s up to Pence to be the leader for the Republican Party.